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Traffic To Your Site - 3 Proven Ways!

Traffic To Your Site - 3 Proven Ways!

What is the number one hurdle for anyone selling anything on the internet? Traffic - I'm going to show you how to get more traffic to your site.

Whether you have the best product/service in the world, or you have the best sales letter within your industry or niche, if prospects are not seeing your offer, you're not going to make any money!

Simply put, this is why we marketers spend considerable amounts of time, effort and money trying to put offers in front of targeted leads - notice I said "targeted leads" it's an interesting point and I'll come back to this perhaps another day.

Let's get started on 3 proven strategies you can start using today to get more traffic to your site... And remember, were not even touching the surface - I'll explain more ways to attract clients/customers/subscribers in future posts.

#1: Search Engine Marketing (Optimization)

There are 2 ways to get traffic from search engines:

• Free Method - ranking well for targeted keywords encourages search engines such as Google to list your site organically in their search results. Obviously the higher you are listed means more prospects will see you.

• Paid Method - I'm sure you've all seen the sponsored results (ads) on search engines such as Google, Bing or Yahoo. This method is called "Pay Per Click" marketing - simply put, you pay when someone clicks your ad.

Both strategies are equally important and both should be used. Obtaining Organic Search Engine results is your essential long term method whereby it can provide traffic for months (or years) after your pages are indexed. Pay Per Click is short term but well worth it as the traffic is targeted and instantaneous.

#2: Buying Ads

Buying targeted ads is another strategy for getting your offer in front of willing prospects. Online and offline methods include;

• Sites such as Bing, inMobi and AdMob (and many more) allow you to Purchase banner/text ads where your ads will be displayed on highly targeted niche sites.

• Buying solo ads - my personal favorite. You need to know what you're doing here. As per much of the Make Money Online industry, there are many unscrupulous operators out there and you need to know who to deal with - otherwise you'll unnecessarily blow too much money.

• Buying blog ads - approaching blog administrators and requesting some ad space on their site. You can make them an offer to buy/lease the space or offer them a percentage of your commission if it's an affiliate offer your advertising.

• Using offline publications such as niche magazines or newspapers to advertise and buying ad space.

#3: Social Media Marketing

In this day and age, you'd have been living under a rock if you didn't know the importance of social media marketing when it comes to putting your offer I front of eager prospects. The best thing is its generally Free Marketing. Building relationships, building networks and building a list of contacts are all key components of marketing and that's no different to Internet (Online) Marketing. Needless to say, start building your social media networks and start building a good reputation in your niche - you'll benefit by leveraging your reputation, expertise, content and networks.

Lets start with some of the biggest social media sites out there:

• Facebook (maybe the biggest). You can leverage and source targeted traffic by finding and creating niche specific groups/pages.

• Digg.com is just one of many social bookmarking sites. Share your content - there's a good chance (if it's good), it will go viral.

• Squidoo.com is one of many Web 2.0 content sites. Great avenue to create one page websites specific to your chosen niche. Google is known to crawl and rank these pages well.

Now I hear you asking... Which Strategy is Right For You?

In order to have an overall marketing strategy with your number 1 aim, to get traffic to your site, it isn't just one that will work - it's always best to combine all strategies to achieve the best results. Remember the 3 strategies I've talked about here are proven and time-tested marketing methods - and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

For more marketing methods which will help you unleash a nearly unstoppable flow of qualified leads and traffic, Click the Traffic Generation Club tab at the top of the blog to claim your FREE Silver Membership at TrafficGenerationClub (normally $27.00).

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