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Write Killer Sales Copy

Why "Templates + Checklists" Are Not Enough To Write Killer Sales Copy

Many entrepreneurs see "copywriting" as something scary - even though they do just fine writing anything else, they would "freeze" when it comes to writing a sales page.

It's actually not that bad at all, once you recognize the inner workings of good copywriting.

There are a load of copywriting experts out there and no lack of trainings, so I am not going to go over the "usual" with you.

What seems to be lacking when sticking to those "formula" or "templates" is the genuine emotional connection with the readers achieved by letting YOUR personality come through, bright and loud.

Tapping into the pains and emotions of your ideal clients is of course important, but if they don't connect with YOU as the content or service provider, you are not "unique" in their mind and they can easily replace you with someone who can bang out the same "compelling copy" with little personality.

Using a canned formula is OK if you are just moving some $50 products and call it a day. If you are in the coaching business and you want to get high-paying clients (go do the math, you will need those if you don't want to burnout or go broke), you need to create that trust and connection - even if you are just selling a $50 product because every touch point you have with a potential client reflect who you are and if you want them to graduate from a $50 product to a $5,000 program eventually, you can't skim on your communication.

This is particularly important for you if you are a coach, or work with someone on their personal growth or their health. These are private stuff, people need to trust you as a person. Your clients are not just buying the results you promise (although that is important) - they are signing up to work with YOU, and not the other guy, because they resonate with you. This is, in my opinion, what makes people put down 4- or even 5-figure sum to hire a coach, not the fact that the coach can give you all the facts and steps about weight loss (although, of course, that helps. But you can get all the "facts" by searching on the internet... )

I like to see the inner workings of good copywriting as a masterful design project.

"Rules" + Creativity = Beautiful Outcome That Serves a Purpose

Program <--> Best Practice

At the beginning of every building project, there is a "program" detailing the requirements and restrictions. It's like the industry best practices you find in the "templates and checklists" for writing copy. They are good guidelines and rules to be used as starting point but they are not set in stone.

They are man-made, they can be questioned and broken to achieve the ultimate intention of the project. They are not the absolute truth - they can be adjusted based on circumstances. They are means to an end. Sometimes, rules are made for us to question and break.

Laws of Physics <--> Human Psychology

Like the law of physics, you cannot change human behavior and psychology. In architecture, you have to work with the law of gravity; in writing sales copy, you have to tap into sales psychology (i.e. what makes people buy.)

Don't fight it. Understand the science, learn the facts, and then use them to your advantage. Think the awe inspired by "gravity defying" sculptures and architectural masterpieces.

Kick Butt Design <--> YOUR Creative Expression

Same program, same law of physics can lead to a completely different building designed by two different architects. One can be butt-ugly, the other can be award-winning.

The difference? Individual creative expression! That's the secret sauce - the more it comes through, the more interesting, genuine and resonating your copy will be for your peeps. Good work of art always offense some people, and that's a good indication that your stuff actually MEANS something.

BONUS Tip: Resist Design By Committee!

You know those really boring institutional-looking buildings? The architect started with some great ideas and cool designs, then everybody and his aunt Betty weighed in - "this is too [nobody-care whatever]", "this won't work with [inconsequential something]", "my 90-year-old mother won't be able to [do that thing that a 90-year-old won't do]"... etc.

Watered down. Plain vanilla. Boring. Look like everything else. Do you want your sales page to be like that?

Stop trying to please everyone. Stop trying to get everyone's approval. Be YOU.

The FEAR Factor: What Is Really Holding You Back From Fully Expressing Yourself?

When you are afraid of putting it all out there, your Fear of Vulnerability is rearing its head. If you have this fear, you are actually confident about what you do and believe in your message, but you hold yourself back because you are worried about what others may think. You don't want to be criticized. You don't want people to "leave you." The first thing to understand about this fear is that "you think people MAY think... " - you see how speculative and convoluted that is? And, what is the worst that can happen? People are too involved with themselves to keep judging you. Get over it.

The Fear of Inadequacy can also come up for some folks. When you put your all out there and you don't get the results you want or expected, you see it as a validation from the outside world that you are really not good enough - confirming and compounding your fear - and that sucks.

When you see there fears coming up, first step is to recognize that it's your fear, not YOU, that is having those thoughts.

Ling Wong, Business Artist and Chief Freedom Fighter at Slideberry (http://slideberry.com/), provides Business Soulwork + Marketing Activation for Coaches and Done-For-You Content and Marketing Materials for Health & Wellness Practitioners.

Ling helps her clients supercharge their actions not only through practical strategies and marketing tools, but also through their growth and development - so they not only grow their business, but also LET THEIR BUSINESS GROW THEM. Through her "left brain meets right brain" approach, she helps her clients uncover their truth and tap into their intuition, then ground those light bulb moments with practical strategies and marketing tactics to build a profitable and sustainable business.

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