Finances are important in the day to day life of everyone. Finding ways to use the money one has efficiently and effectively is wise. Sometimes people are looking for the means to earn more money or to spend the money they have.
As Veterans' Day approaches, it is a good time to remember those who served valiantly in defending the freedoms of the United States and helping to bring democracy to the rest of the world. Supporting veterans is a worthy cause for anyone.
Some years ago while we were visiting San Francisco, we were at Fisherman's Wharf. As it was time for dinner, we went to a nice restaurant which was a chain with which we were familiar. When we went inside, we were told that we would have to wait half an hour although there were many empty tables. They indicated that they were holding those tables for reservations.
As we waited for a table, we watched the people come in for their reservations. Some came in groups and showed a military veterans' ID. Many men appeared to be homeless. As we saw some of these men leave, they were treated with the utmost respect by the restaurant personnel. Some said as they offered their thanks and left, "See you next year."
It was Veterans' Day, and this restaurant made a practice of hosting any veteran to a nice dinner on that day. Even though some of the patrons were obviously homeless and unkempt, they were treated kindly. It was obvious that they had been going there for years on that special day to take advantage of the free meal at a nice restaurant.
This year it seems that more restaurants have joined in this kind gesture to veterans. Although anyone with a veteran's ID card is eligible for the free meal, it seems geared to the less fortunate for whom their service to their country and subsequent problems have caused them to be unemployed or even homeless. It is a sad state of affairs when people give so much for their nation and then they find themselves without a home in which to live and without the means to care adequately for themselves.
There are many ways to support veterans, the most notable possibly being to donate money to causes and groups which support veterans. There are stories of people who give up first class seats on airplanes to veterans in uniform. Others stop and talk to wounded warriors and thank them for their service.
People are regularly looking for ways in which they can better themselves and earn more money. If you are looking to earn more money, you could get a part-time job or start a home based business. There are hundreds of business opportunities out there. Veterans might be able to take advantage of them as well. When a person has more money for himself and perhaps finds success at his own business, it is a good thing to give back. Supporting veterans is a good way to help very deserving people.
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